We have served the community of Thousand Oaks for nearly 40 years, caring for trees in some of the most exclusive neighborhoods, finest businesses and shopping centers, and beautiful homes in southern California. Our hard-working crews can be found all over town, and we are proud of the work we do that keep Thousand Oaks neighborhoods looking like a million bucks all year ’round.
Whether you need tree trimming, tree removal, spraying and injecting, or deep root fertilization, our knowledgeable, professional, experienced crews know how to get the job done with the least amount of fuss. We leave job sites looking far better than we find them because we want you to call us year over year.
You can find us working in the following neighborhoods of Thousand Oaks:

- Amber Ridge
- American Oaks
- Arbor Hills
- Arroyo Villa
- Banyan
- Borchard Rd
- Braemar/Symphony
- Briar Bluff
- Bridgehaven
- Brock Collection
- Calle Olivo
- Calle Pensamiento
- Cameo Tract
- Camino Calandria
- Casa De Flores
- Chanteclair Estates
- Clara Vista
- Conejo Creek
- Conejo Oaks
- Copperwood
- Crestview Estates
- Cypress Watch
- Deer Ridge
- Dos Vientos
- Duesenberg
- Fiore Gardens
- Fountainwood
- Foxmoor
- Glenwood Park
- Goldsmith
- Greenridge
- Hampshire
- Heritage Hills
- Hidden Valley
- Hillcrest Park
- Hillcrest Village
- Kelley
- Kevington
- Lang Ranch
- Los Flores Villas
- Los Robles
- Lynnbrooke
- Lynn Estates
- Lynnmere
- Lynn Oaks
- Lynn Ranch
- Maegan Pl
- Marketdale Ridge
- Meadowwood
- Mesa
- Morrow Circle
- Mountain Oak
- Newbury
- North Oaks
- North Valley High
- Northwood Community
- Oakbrook
- Oakridge Estates
- Old Meadows
- Paseo De Leon
- Rancho Conejo
- Redwood
- Rikkard Drive
- Rolling Oaks Ranch
- Running Springs
- Scenic Park
- Shadow Oaks
- Sidlee-Lynn
- South Wildwood
- Starview
- Summerfield
- Summit
- Sunset Hills
- Sun Tree
- The Glen
- Thoreau Circle
- Tulipan
- Under Old Boney
- Ventu Estates
- Ventu/Lynn Rd
- Walnut Grove
- W Avenida De Las Flores
- Waverly Heights
- Weathersfield
- West Janss
- Windrose
- Woodlands
- Woodridge