We have served the community of Simi Valley for nearly 40 years, caring for trees in some of the most exclusive neighborhoods, finest businesses and shopping centers, and beautiful homes in southern California. Our hard-working crews can be found all over town, and we are proud of the work we do that keep Simi Valley neighborhoods looking like a million bucks all year ’round.
Whether you need tree trimming, tree removal, spraying and injecting, or deep root fertilization, our knowledgeable, professional, experienced crews know how to get the job done with the least amount of fuss. We leave job sites looking far better than we find them because we want you to call us year over year.
You can find us working in the following neighborhoods of Simi Valley:

- Ahlee Monor
- Alpine Barnes
- Appleton Harrington
- Atherwood Simi
- Avenida Vista Del Monte
- Baywood
- Big Sky
- Bridle Path
- Callahan Ave
- Civic Center
- Cochran Sycamore
- Cochran/Tapo/Alpine
- Country Club Village
- Country Villas
- Covington
- Coyote Hills Park
- Cultural Arts Center
- Darrah Park
- East Simi Keuhner & L.A.
- Erringer Park
- Fairway Park
- First and Ventura
- Fountainwood
- Friendly Village
- Frontier Park Elizondo
- Greek Tract
- Greenbriar
- Greystone Community
- Heywood
- Hidden Valley
- Hollow Hills
- Hopetown
- Indian Hills Estates
- Indian Hills Ridge
- Indian Meadows
- Kadota Fig Farms
- Larch St and Erringer Rd
- Lembert- Royal
- Madera – Cochran
- Madera Hills
- Madera – Royal
- Madison County
- Meadowbrook Complex
- Meadowood Apartments
- Medina
- Milestone/Crossroads
- Milliken Hills
- Montaire
- Mountain Valley/Justin El
- New Monterey
- North Central Simi
- North Township
- Oakcrest Starcrest
- Oakridge Estates
- Oak Tree
- Park Lane
- Park View Simi
- Paseo Del Sol
- Paseo – Suntree
- Pride Track
- Rancho Corrales
- Rancho Madera
- Rancho Simi Park
- Rocketdyne Heights
- Runkle Canyon
- Sage Creek
- Saint Clair
- Sandalwood Village
- Sandiman St
- Santa Susana
- Savannah Townhomes
- Sebring NW
- Shadow Ridge Apartments
- Simi Country
- Simi Hospital North
- Simi South Hills
- Sinaloa Highlands
- Sinaloa Lake
- Sinaloa Villas
- South Tapo to Tapo
- Stanford/Hillside West
- Stearns/Rainwood Corridor
- Stonegate South Hills
- Summerhill
- Sunkist Tract
- Sweet Shade
- Sycamore Elementary
- Sycamore Hills
- Sycamore Plaza
- Tapo St / Cochran St
- Texas Tract
- The Glen
- The Marketplace
- The Oaks
- Tiera Rejada
- Township/Tapo Cyn
- Vintage Paseo
- Vorale, Venice and Milan
- White Cloud Estates
- White Oak
- Whiteoak Creek
- Wild Horse/Shadow Hawk
- Woodlands
- Woodranch
- Wood Ranch
- Woodrow/Wanda – Atherwood
- Wright Ranch/Girlie Tract